Hello World!


Life is hard. but everything will be fine. Instead of remorsing in the past, look on forward where the future is yet determined.
When the gears of life seem to stop functioning, take a different approach and create something new from what remains.
When life is really stuck at one place and doesnt procede furthermore, look for something else that can restart the path.
Just never giveup on what you believe in.
Play games to relief stress :D :3 XD LOL!

Sombra Reveal?

Blizzard Entertainment has been going on with an ARG that hints the arrival of a new character in Overwatch;however,it has been going on for too long!
But Wait! The newest leaks dictate that Sombra may be released during Blizzcon 2016 or maybe even on November 1st.
Would the long awaited hero that is driving people crazy even become a meta of the game?
Further discussion will be discussed upon the arrival of Sombra!